Bob Wallace is happy to announce the Bob Wallace Entrepreneurship Prodigy Program. This new innovative program will make it possible for emerging, embryonic, and established entrepreneurs to systematically tap into Bob’s almost one-half century of personal experience, academic research, and industry collaboration on how to maximize the three selves of successful entrepreneurship: intellectual self, physical self, and spiritual self.

Don’t let COVID or any other external factors get in the way of taking your idea or business to the next level.
To reach more entrepreneurs and executives more efficiently with his model of entrepreneurial success, Robert Wallace also engages off-stage and beyond-the-page through eMentorships.
By leveraging technology to deliver a steady flow of FREE innovative insights and actionable advice through blogs, articles, newsletters, podcasts, videos and more, Bob provides ongoing guidance and inspiration to empower next-level business growth.
The Bob Wallace Entrepreneurship Prodigy Program is a 52-week training program that will be made available to 21 entrepreneurial students from the three classes of entrepreneurs: emerging (0-1 years), embryonic (1-5 years), and established (5+ years). Mr. Wallace will personally select the entrepreneurs that will be admitted into this special program. The benefits of being a Bob Wallace Entrepreneurial Prodigy are as follows:
Copies of Bob’s books and access to his audio books. These include:
– Strategic Partnerships: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Joint Ventures and Alliances
– The Ssese Principles: Guidelines for Building Wealth Through Faith
– Black Wealth: Your Road to Small Business Success
– Soul Food: 52 Principles for Black Entrepreneurial Success
– Let God be God: Using God’s Disruptive Power to Change Your Life and the World
Early copies of Bob’s new books, including the soon to be released:
– Pivot-Point Intelligence: Managing Change.
– Accelerating Business Performance
– Global Entrepreneurship: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Admittance into weekly one-hour teaching sessions with Bob, in which he presents the weekly lesson for advancing your company and your professional development.
A monthly hour-long one-on-one session with Bob to review specific questions and issues that are impacting your business.
Strategic partnering and collaboration services to help create alliances and partnerships.
A discounted price for Bob to speak as your guest for your next business/church/community conference or meeting.
Join Bob’s Virtual Entrepreneurial Community Through the eSignup below:
The tuition for this 52-week training experience will be $850 per month or $9,600 for the year. This is a money-back guaranteed program. If you are not satisfied with this learning experience, you may discontinue your participation at any time and you will have no further commitment to this entrepreneurship development program. You will only be charged for the time that you participated in the actual educational experience.
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